
Sunday, 27 November 2016


Obesity or being overweight is a condition characterized by excessive storage of fat in the body. When the body’s calorie intake exceeds the amount of calories burned, it leads to the storage of excess calories in the form of body fat. Increased body fat puts a person at risk for many critical conditions such as heart disease, liver damage, diabetes, arthritis and kidney problems.

Excessive weight gain is caused when people consume more calories than the body needs—occurring most commonly due to eating a diet high in fat and calories, being sedentary, or both.


  • Excessive intake of high calorie food
  • Genetic factors
  • Metabolic disorder
  • Certain medications
  • Lack of physical exercise
  • Day sleeping
  • Lack of mental stress
  • Increased happiness


  • Increased body fat 
  • Breathlessness on exertion 
  • Lethargy 
  • Excessive sweating with bad odor  
  • Fatigue
  • Reduction of longevity
  • Premature ageing
  • Low sex drive
  • Poor sexual performance
  • Excessive hunger
  • Excessive thirst
  • Difficulty in walking
  • Tiredness
  •  General debility
  •  Loss of vitality and mental confusion.

Ayurveda explains the pathology of obesity as –

1. Increase of Agni – digestion strength, leading to increase of appetite and food intake.
2. Hampered conversion of Medo dhatu to Asthi dhatu, leading to increased production of Medo       Dhatu.
3. Imbalance / VItiation of Vata Dosha – leading to increased digestion strength
4. Increase of Kapha Dosha, which is caused by excess sweets, fried food, excess rest etc.

Ayurveda says  –
Vyayama nityo jeernaashee yavagodhuma bhojanaha |Santarpana Krutaihi Doshaihi Sthoulyam muktwa vimuchyate ||
    Daily regular exercise, eating only after the previous food has got completely digested, and regular intake of Barley and wheat in diet, are sure shot ways to curb obesity.

Dry Powder massage 

Also called as Rooksha Udvartana – powder massage with herbs having dry quality – usually ingredients like horse gram, jujube, Black gram,Devadaru, Rasna, etc are used for this purpose. The purpose of the powder massage is to burn down the fat deposited underneath the skin, especially in tummy, thighs and buttock areas.

Decoction enema with strong herbs that are hot in nature is administered. Decoction enema, also called as Kashaya basti is a type of Panchakarma treatment, which helps to balance Vata and also useful in correction of fat tissue conversion into bone tissue (medo dhatu – asthi dhatu).

Natural home remedy 

  • Take a tablespoon of honey daily with warm water. It is
    an excellent home remedy for obesity
  • Take 1 glass of warm water add one teaspoonfull of honey & lemon juice. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Take 1 cup of water add 3 teaspoonfull of lemon juice,add a pinch of powdered black pepper and add 1 teaspoonfull of honey. Mix well. Drink 2 times everyday for 1-2 months
  • Take 2 tablespoonfull of triphala powder, a commonly available ayurvedic herb. Mix it in 500 ml water heat for 5 min. Strain the liquid you may add honey to taste.  Drink this 2 times everyday.
  • Using Green gram and horse gram help in reduction of kapha and medha.
  • Drink mint tea or make a paste of green mint with some   simple spices and eat during meals.
  • Eat vegetables such as bitter gourd and drumsticks to control obesity.
  • Soak a teaspoon of carom seeds and cumin seeds each in a glass of water. Leave this overnight. In the morning, boil this concoction. Reduce the water to half and then drink it early morning every day. This helps prevent water retention in the body.
  • Take equal quantities of spices like cumin seeds(jeera), dry ginger,  pepper powder,long pepper powder and grind them to a coarse powder. Cook 1/4 teaspoon of this powder with two table spoon of rice in one big glass of water. Decant only liquid portion of this preparation add a pinch of salt to it . This can be used instead of soups.

          Consuming wheat products than rice products help to reduce obesity.

Diet & Lifestyle Advice

  • Avoid high carbohydrates like polished rice and potato.
  • Avoid oily and fried foods, processed foods, fatty foods like butter, purified butter, cheese, whole-milk yogurt, cream, chocolate, etc.
  • Have more bitter vegetables like bitter gourd and the bitter variety of drumsticks.
  • Replace refined flour with whole-wheat flour and rice with brown rice or parboiled rice.
  • Increase intake of fruits, salads and vegetables.

A diet that helps to lose weight:

Early morning - A glass of warm water mixed with the juice of half a lemon. A teaspoonful of honey can be added if you like.
Breakfast - Wheat or Mung (green beans) sprouts and one cup skimmed milk.
Mid morning - A glass of orange, pineapple or carrot juice.
Lunch - Salad of raw vegetables such as carrot, beet, cucumber, cabbage, tomatoes. In case you can not digest raw vegetables, either steam or boil them. Whole wheat chapatis and a glass of buttermilk. It will be good to add some roasted cumin seeds, green coriander leaves, a little salt and some grated ginger in the butter milk.
Mid afternoon - Coconut water or dry fruits or lemon tea or vegetable soup.
Dinner - Whole grain bread or chapatis, steamed vegetables and any seasonal fruit except banana and apple.

Overall recommended for fiber rich food and routine exercise

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Wednesday, 19 October 2016



Acne is a skin condition in which there is excess production of oil from the sebaceous glands leading to the blockage of hair follicles. It is the most common problem of adolescents, and is therefore known as Yauvanpidika in Ayurveda
In the current times, it is very important to make smart choices as far as skin care is concerned. With umpteen options helping you deal with skin problems, Ayurveda is definitely one amongst them.

Causes for Acne as per Ayurveda – 

·       Ayurveda points out following reasons for the manifestation of Youvana pidaka.
·       Intake of fried and junk food – vitiates Kapha and Pitta, leads to blood vitiation and acne.
·       Stress and anxiety – leading to metabolism imbalance and toxins.
·       Night awakening – leads to normal body rhythm imbalance, stress metabolism imbalance, leading to toxins and acne.
·       Over usage of cosmetics – direct impact on facial skin
·       Physiological changes taking place during adolescence – attributed to hormonal imbalance.
·       Excess intake of non-vegetarian food.
·       As per modern science, Acne is caused when the hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells.
·       It is caused due to over production of skin oil (sebum, which is produced by a gland at the root of hair follicle)
·       Irregular shedding of dead skin cells resulting in irritation of the hair follicles of your skin Bacteria
·       Hormone imbalance related to menstrual cycle in females, and puberty in men causes acne. Even corticosteroids and androgen hormones used in treatment in certain conditions, causes acne.
·       Even pregnancy related hormone fluctuation leads to pimples.

Unwholesome diet and habits for acne –

·       Excess spices that increase Pitta.
·       Excess sun exposure.
·       Pricking or touching the pimple area repeatedly, leading to worsening of infection.
·       Sleeping with the makeup on.

Diet & Lifestyle Advice

·         Avoid spicy, oily and sour foods.
·         Eat fresh, unprocessed food.
·         Increase the use of herbs that have cooling effects on the body like fennel, coriander seeds, Indian gooseberry (amla) and Aloe Vera.
·         Increase intake of water to about 8-10 glasses per day.
·      Wash your face frequently with mild
     herbal soaps.
·         Avoid irritant cosmetics.
·         Do not squeeze the acne lesions.


·         Whiteheads
·         Blackheads
·         Pimples
·         Red and itchy rashes

Natural home remedy

Ø Garlic

Garlic contains allicin, which is a natural antibiotic.
Take 2-3 garlic cloves, crush them to make a paste. Apply this paste on the affected parts of the skin. For sensitive skin, mix yogurt in the garlic paste before applying.

Ø Coriander Leaves

Take a handful of washed coriander leaves, crush them finely. Place the paste on a sieve and press to extract the juice. Add a pinch of turmeric powder mix well. Apply this mixture on the face every night.

Ø Tulasi Paste

Tulasi paste, if you can’t get fresh basil, then you can grab a bottle of dried basil leaves from your local mall and steep it in warm water about 2-3 teaspoons such that a paste can be formed and use that on the face for about 10 minutes for 4-5 times a week.

Ø A mixture of honey and lemon juice

 Mix 1 tsp of honey with 1 tsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply it on the pimples as well as on the spots left out by pimples.

Do not however apply on aggravated pimples because it can cause severe burning sensation. Keep on for 10 minutes and wash off, while you continue this 5-6 times a week, you are bound to find effective results.

Ø Neem leaves

 Make a paste of neem leaves and apply on the targeted pimples. If you cannot get fresh neem leaves, try to get some dried bottled neem leaves, steep for 10 minutes in warm water and use as a paste.

Ø Sesame seeds

Make a paste of sesame seeds, if you are using seeds, soak them overnight and then made into a fine paste or use the readily available powder. Keep them on for 10 minutes and see the difference.

Ø Potato

You can also apply potato juice/ slice/ grated potato directly on your pimples. Keep the sticky juice of the potato on the face for 10 minutes or more and then wash off.
It gives a natural mild bleaching glow to the skin.

Ø Mint Leaves

Soak some mint leaves and make a fresh paste because it has the quality to provide a cooling and astringent effect to the skin. Pimple’s stubbornness will reduce and they will reduce in size as well.
Regular use of this ayurvedic medicine for pimples will help one get rid of the pimple marks too.

Ø Jaiphal/Nutmeg

Nutmeg or jaiphal is a great spice that can be used to solve pimple problems. Make it into a fine powder, use it with water or milk in the form of a paste. Let it on for 10 minutes maximum before washing it off.

Ø Papaya

A great sticky ayurvedic treatment for acne and pimples is the white milk that comes out of the skin of a raw papaya and use it on the whole of face. Though it is sticky, if you use it on a regular basis, it can do wonders.

Ø Lemon peel

The outer skin (obtained on juice extraction) of the lemon is dried
and made into ash. This is mixed with little buttermilk and applied over the area of acne. Repeated practice of this for 10-12 days helps to reduce the lesions of acne.

Yoga and other tips for curing Acne:

Ø Udhyana bandhnam : 10-12 min
Ø Udara chalanam
Ø Anti-stress techniques like Pranayama
Ø Fill with air till cheeks get bulged and release.
Ø Reduce eating oily foods, sweets.
Ø Sleep timely, sleeping for at least 6-7 hours at night.
Ø Exercise is must.
Ø Reduce rice when physical work is less.
Ø Luke warm water intake.
Ø Intake of easily digestible foods raw vegetables like carrot, cucumber etc., fruits like apple, guava, pear etc.

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Dry cough

A dry cough produces little or no mucus and is caused by irritation or inflammation in the throat and chest
  • ·         Coughing is a natural body reflex
  • ·         It keeps the lungs, throat and airway clear of foreign material
  • ·         But constant coughing is irritable and requires treatment.

Causes for dry cough

  • Viral infection of the respiratory tract
  • Sinus infections
  • Pneumonia
  • Allergy to smoke or dust


  • Absence of phlegm
  • Itchy and dry throat
  • Exhaustion
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Weak immune system

Natural home remedy for dry cough using almonds, butter and sugar

1.  Soak 7 almonds in water overnight
2.  Peel the skin in the morning
3.  Crush them to make a paste
4.  Add 2 tbsp of butter
5.  Add 2 tbsp of sugar
6.  Mix well
7.  Eat this every morning and evening to get rid of dry cough

Natural home remedy for dry cough using turmeric powder and carom(ajwain) powder

1.  Take 1 glass of lukewarm water
2.  Add 1 tsp of turmeric powder
3.  Add 1 tsp of carom(ajwain) powder
4.  Mix well
5.  Drink 2 times everyday

Natural home remedy for dry cough using basil(tulasi) leaves, ginger and honey

1.  Crush a handful of thoroughly washed basil(tulasi) leaves
2.  Crush a small (1 inch) piece of ginger
3.  Take 1 tsp of basil leaf paste
4.  Mix it with 1 tsp of ginger paste
5.  Place this mixture on a sieve
6.  Extract juice by pressing this paste
7.  Add 3 tsp of honey
8.  Mix well
9.  Have 1 tsp of this mixture 3 times a day

Natural home remedy for dry cough using Cinnamon

Cinnamon is another Ayurvedic ingredient very much available in your kitchen shelves.
  • ·       Adding a pinch of cinnamon powder to lukewarm water or your tea/coffee can bring immense relief to that irritability feeling in your throat.

Natural home remedy for dry cough using beetle leaves and carom(ajwain) seeds

  1. Take clean beetle leaves.
  2. place 1 tsp of carom(ajwain) seeds.
  3. Wrap it and chew it before you go to bed.

·       Add some salt to warm water and gargle two or three times a day.

 What to look out for

Dry coughs caused by cold and flu viruses usually disappear quickly. However, seek medical advice if you:
·         Suspect or know that your cough is caused by an underlying medical condition
·         Cough up blood
·         Feel short of breath or wheezy
·         Suffer from asthma and experience a dry cough, especially at night
·         Your cough does not improve within 7 days
·         Are suffering from an unexplained persistent cough (one lasting longer than 3 weeks)
·         Also feel tired or lethargic
·         Experience fever
·         Notice unexplained weight loss.

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